Adapting to the right dietary patterns has the ability to unlock the door to a healthier and more fulfilling life. While getting on track may not be as simple, it is highly attainable and rewarding. Our bodies are the vessels that keep us alive and running throughout this lifetime and deserve a tremendous amount of love and care in every step we take. Making smart nutritional choices with your diet may be the start of a self-care journey that was long overdue. We at 7 Star would like to help you kick-start that voyage with some of our golden tips.

Vegetables Can Do Miracles
Adding vegetables to your daily meals can make the world of a difference. Green vegetables can become the core source of vitamins and various nutrients for your body to absorb on a daily basis. Be sure to purchase a considerable load of green vegetables to store at home for a delicious curry or salad. As the number of vegetable options at the grocery store is many, you will never be tired of consuming the same vegetable or similar dishes, as preparations too can be varied according to preference.

Snacking on Nuts and Seeds
What is better than snacking on sweets every now and then? Yes, nuts could be your brand-new filler for hunger pangs that make you take long walks to the fridge. Nuts and seeds are a great source of iron and are rather filling. While low levels of iron may cause extreme fatigue, this snacking option will be the remedy that you had been searching for.

Making the Smart Switch to 7 Star Fibre Plus
On a journey to a healthier and nutritional life, 7 Star Fibre Plus may be the faithful companion that you seek. This worthy addition to your kitchen shelf is a bag full of dietary fibre, high protein, iron, and folic acid, with an energy level of 346 kcal/100g, ticking off all the nutrient boxes in your list.

The Power of Turmeric
Have you heard of the power of turmeric? Most households in Sri Lanka add a hint of turmeric to almost any curry or dish they cook. What could be the reason behind this ingredient that is considered so miraculous? Turmeric carries the ability to increase the antioxidant capacity of the body, thereby being one of the most ideal additions to your meals every day. On a side note, it can also be used as a beauty ingredient for your face masks!