At a time when long drives to a restaurant or cafe for some good old takeout seems close to impossible, we are forced to turn to homemade recipes for our favourite dinner meals. Use some 7 Star All Purpose Flour and start making that homemade pasta you’ve been waiting to indulge in. This 4-ingredient recipe is sure to be the smarter dinner meal choice during these trying times.

- 7 Star All Purpose Flour – 2 cups
- Large eggs – 3
- Salt – ½ teaspoon
- Extra virgin olive oil – ½ tablespoon
Let’s Get Rolling!
– Arrange a clean work surface, add the flour and make a nest in it. Add the eggs, olive oil and saltto the centre and break the eggs using a fork. Try to keep the flour walls intact to the best of your abilities.
– Knead the dough by bringing the flour inward into a ball. Continue with the kneading for 8-10minutes, wrap the dough in plastic wrap and set it aside for 30 minutes. Be sure to sprinkle some water on the dough if it seems to dry, and some flour onto your work surface, if it seems too sticky.
– Separate the dough into 4 pieces and follow the process below for each.
– Flatten the dough into an oval disc and run it through the pasta roller on level 1, thrice.
– On your work surface, fold both ends of the dough to meet at the centre and fold it in half.
– Run it through a pasta roller on level 2 for three times, level 3 for three times and on levels 4, 5 and six, once each.
– You can now keep one half of the pasta sheet on a floured baking sheet. Remember to sprinkle flour on it prior to folding the other half on top and sprinkle some flour on top of it as well. Be sure that all sides are floured in order to ensure that the pasta will not stick together.
– Once you have repeated the process with the remaining dough, run them through a pasta cutter and cook them in salt water for 2 minutes. Add in your favourite fillings and sauce of choice and enjoy some fresh, homemade pasta!